Wine production expected to decline this year

Wine production expected to decline this year
French wine production is expected to drop by 18% in 2024 compared to 2023. –

LWine production yields are expected to fall this year. According to Agreste, the service that produces statistics for the Ministry of Agriculture, they are expected to fall by 18% over one year compared to 2023, reports The Parisian, this Saturday, September 7. The cause is the inclement weather with heavy rainfall since January as well as episodes of frost and hail.

Compared to the average of the last five years, production is down 11% and corresponds to 39.3 million hectolitres. The climatic conditions were the harshest in the Jura, with a 71% drop in harvests over one year. In addition to frost, mildew, a disease affecting vineyards, also caused yields to drop. After two heavy storms in March, the Loire Valley was not spared either: Sancerre and Muscadet suffered a 30% drop, and the production of Beaujolais de Bourgogne lost 25%.

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In Bordeaux, bad weather and mildew are not the only ones responsible for a 10% drop in yields: 8,000 hectares of vines – or between 7 and 10% of the Bordeaux vineyard – must be uprooted in the region this year. An action wanted by the European Union due to overproduction in certain appellations, as in Languedoc or in the Rhone Valley.

Sales are also falling

According to Jérôme Despey, president of the wine specialist council at the establishment […] Read more


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