A “great school” of artificial intelligence and data is setting up in Nice

A “great school” of artificial intelligence and data is setting up in Nice

The “Aivancity” school hopes to have a large campus in the Nice metropolitan area by 2030.

The Figaro Nice

New students specializing in artificial intelligence and data will arrive in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) in January 2025 to form the first class outside the Paris region of the “Aivancity” school, a young institution recognized by the State. They will share the premises of Ipag, a business school already established, while waiting to open a permanent campus by 2030. This is indeed the ambition: Tawhid Chtiou, the founder, assumes a “territorial strategy” and is planning 2,000 square metres of premises in the Nice metropolitan area in the coming years.

Its establishment in Cachan (Val-de-Marne) already welcomes 400 students out of nearly 4,000 applications. Similar courses will be offered in Nice (“AI and data science for managers”, “data engineering and cloud computing”, “data management”) as well as, at the next academic year, a first year in “applied AI”. An “AI clinic” will also be set up to work with local companies, the school indicates.

“Hybrid school”

Calling itself a “hybrid school”, “Aivancity” aims to prepare students to meet the challenges of the economy using artificial intelligence. A five-year “grande école” program has been recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education. With its arrival in Nice in shared and temporary premises, the school’s management ensures “a strategic and institutional collaboration, in particular by pooling their resources and their local networks”At the end of November, a school dedicated to the creation and marketing of video games also opened in the capital of the Côte d’Azur.


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