DayFR Euro

a unpleasant surprise on the roads on February 1

French motorists will face a new increase in toll prices in February. Although moderate compared to the previous increases, this measure further increases the cost of travel on motorways. Why these increases? What impacts on users?

As of February 1ᵉʳ, highway toll prices will increase on average by 0.92 %, marking a new increase after a cumulative increase of 10.5 % since 2019. This increase is not uniform: it varies according to the motorway networks and concessions. For example, Vinci Autoroutes will apply an increase of 0.77 %, while SAPN will increase its tariffs by 1.14 %.

If this increase remains below the initial expectations, it continues to weigh on motorists’ budgets, in particular those who regularly use highways for their professional or personal trips.

The reasons put forward by motorway companies

Concessionary companies, such as Vinci Autoroutes, Sanef or APRR, justify these increases by several factors. In particular, increases make it possible to finance projects related to the maintenance and modernization of infrastructure, such as the renewal of roads or the improvement of safety devices.

Another advanced motif is the ecological transition: part of the funds is intended for the installation of electric charging stations and other equipment aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the highways. Finally, these tariff adjustments respond to contractual commitments between the State and the dealers, including periodic prices.

Unhappy motorists

Despite these justifications, many motorists express their dissatisfaction. They denounce repeated increases that they deem disproportionate to the perceived quality of services. For many, these increases, combined with other charges such as fuel or vehicle maintenance, increase budgets already under tension.


According to experts, this increase, although apparently modest, could significantly impact the expenses of households which borrow highways regularly, in particular in a context of generalized inflation and increase in life costs.

This increase was capped thanks to the pressure of the executive, which obtained a compromise to limit its magnitude. However, it highlights a recurring challenge: to reconcile the financing needs of motorway dealers with the economic concerns of users.

In a context where household expenditure continues to increase, these pricing adjustments raise the question of a more equitable motorway model for drivers. The ecological transition, although essential, remains difficult to accept for many users when its cost is mainly based on their shoulders.

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