Bukavu: training to strengthen the book chain and increase access to reading
DayFR Euro

Bukavu: training to strengthen the book chain and increase access to reading

Some twenty actors in the book chain completed training at the French Institute in Bukavu on Saturday, September 14. This session is part of the Usomi project, which aims to strengthen the book chain and promote access to reading in the province of South Kivu.

The participants are authors, publishers, librarians and booksellers. They benefited from training aimed at improving their understanding of the management of the book chain, in order to facilitate public access to literary works.

Agnès Debiage, trainer, explains the objective of this training: “the idea is really to make them aware of what the book chain is and how they can build links with the bookstore by better understanding its ecosystem, but also to put them into action to generate projects between them.”

This training allowed participants to better understand the different links in the book chain and the means of promoting reading. Ghislain Kabuyaya, publisher, emphasizes the importance of collaboration: “the book starts first with the author, it goes to the publisher then to the bookseller. Finally it goes to the library. I think that it is really in our interest to collaborate at the chain level so that consumers can really consume a quality product.”

According to him, this training allows participants to understand how each actor in the book chain is interdependent and how an effective network can be created to benefit everyone.


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