Like every year, a large part of the gifts for adults but also for young people are made of Books, and from year to year, the holiday bestsellers change titles, authors but also genre. At the Rostrenen bookstore, Place de la République, you have to have quality, the different genres of the moment but also quantity in the bestsellers. To prepare for the holidays, the bookstore can count on Sandrine who monitors releases and great sales on social networks and in the press.
Lots of books in reprints
Among the best sellers this year during these holidays are books written by writers from Central Brittany such as “Loin de chez moi” by the great reporter Maryse Burgot or “Field of battle” by Inès Leraud. As for the classics, the Goncourt prizes, with Kamel Daoud, “Houris”, Goncourt des lycéens, with Sandrine Collette for her novel “Madelaine avant l'aube” or the Renaudot, with Gaël Faye and his book “Jacaranda” remained among the sure values. For comic book fans, three new releases stand out in Rostrenen: “XIII”, “Blake”, “Mortiner” and “Vieux Fourneaux”.
“This year,” explains Sandrine, “we have noticed that publishers are increasingly cautious about the number of copies available, and many of the books offered are therefore being reprinted, despite demand. As usual, books during this festive period are one of the most sought after and most appreciated gifts, it's a good time for booksellers.
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