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The complete novels and short stories of Sherlock Holmes appear in a new translation

CRITIQUE – An ambitious publishing undertaking with not two but three volumes in a box set from the “Litera” collection, launched recently by the publisher Gallmeister. A treat!

Next May, the Englishman Arthur Conan Doyle will enter the “Library of the Pléiade”, closely following H. P. Lovecraft and Ray Bradbury. An opening to genre literature that we can only warmly welcome, with the stories dedicated to the character who made him famous throughout the world: Sherlock Holmes! Two volumes with new translations and an album.

While waiting for this tempting release, fans of the detective with a cap, pipe and magnifying glass in hand, when it’s not a violin or a syringe, will be able to discover during the holidays an equally ambitious editorial undertaking with not two but three volumes of the complete Holmes in a box set from the “Litera” collection, launched recently by the publisher Gallmeister. Where Gallimard brought in three translators, Gallmeister entrusted the “Holmesian canon” (four novels and fifty-six short stories published between 1887 and 1927) to Pierre Bondil alone. At “Litera”…

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