Book sales: books on the Baccalaureate syllabus in the lead
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Book sales: books on the Baccalaureate syllabus in the lead

(ETX Daily Up) – After the holiday workbooks and the new literary releases, it’s time for the works that are on the French Baccalaureate syllabus this year. Arthur Rimbaud’s collection of poems, “Cahiers de Douai” occupies first and fourth place, alongside Olympe de Gouges, Abbé Prévost and Colette.

Best-selling books ranking from September 2 to 8, 2024:

1. “Douai Notebooks – 1st general and technical French baccalaureate”, Arthur Rimbaud (Hatier)

2. “The Cleaning Lady”, Freida McFadden (J’ai Lu)

3. “Declaration of the Rights of Women and of the Female Citizen”, Olympe de Gouges (Belin Education)

4. “The Douai Notebooks of Arthur Rimbaud”, Arthur Rimbaud (Belin Education)

5. “The Midwife of Auschwitz”, Anna Stuart (J’ai Lu)

6. “Manon Lescaut”, Abbé Prévost (Belin Education)

7. “Jacaranda”, Gaël Faye (Grasset)

8. “Stand up”, Mélissa Da Costa (Albin Michel)

9. “I bet you can ! – anglais cycle 3 workbook” (Magnard)

10. “Sido; The Tendrils of the Vine”, Colette (Paperback)

Methodology: the best-seller ranking is established on 1,200 book points of the Edistat-TiteLive network ( Any use of this ranking must imperatively have been validated by the TiteLive company.


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