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Culture – Leisure – Porto-Vecchio: the Piazz’à u libru festival will open the cultural season outside the walls

Read write. Two inseparable activities or almost as one leads to the other, whatever the direction. If the media library counts today 20,000 worksthe culture department and the dedicated assistant want to bring them to life in different ways “through actions of cultural mediation, by combining the practical side with creation. It is by practicing culture that we become a cultural actor”believes Dumenica Verdoni.

If this first mission is rather well fulfilled in winter considering the attendance of the Animu and the various workshops or meetings offered there, the municipal desire was to go beyond the walls, “and therefore to reach out to the public, to enliven the city in a different way”.

This will be done from June 28 to 30, with the first Piazz’à u libru book festivalwhich will highlight literary creation in the heart of the city, Piazza’llu district. “We are lucky Corsica to have a large panel of writers in relation to the population, in French and in Corsica. It’s a real asset to be showcased.”defends the elected official for whom it was important to propose a literary manifestation “because literature has a very long relationship with time, which goes beyond us all, and from which we have a lot to learn, whatever our age.”

Sardinian guests

The event will be new in Porto-Vecchio, in any case in this format which will offer meetings, conferences, signings, storytelling sessions or youth workshops, but also discovery of the book professions with bookstores, publishers and Corsican and Sardinian authors: “We are lucky to have independent professionals in Porto-Vecchio, a true environment of book professionals who practice different professions, who create, and who we must encourage young people to discover.”

This first edition, dedicated to Mediterranean literature, will be sponsored by author and academic Yan Lespoux, “and we wanted to give this book festival a Corso-Sardinian orientation, to recall what links us with the Sardinia who is prolific in terms of literature. We have therefore invited involved actors, who will exchange with recognized French authors and publishers. It will be a multicultural crossroadssays the director ofCultural actionPierre-Xavier Prietto.

After the opening of the festival, on Friday evening, Saturday will focus on two themes: the place of women in art and literaturebetween fiction, narration and reality on the one hand, and writing and singing the Mediterranean, between myths and stories of identity and language on the other. Sunday will be devoted to a round table: telling the human story and telling the territory. Systematically, the sequences will be followed by signing sessionsand activities planned for children Saturday and Sunday.

The Piazz’à u libru festival will be the opportunity to launch the “outside the walls” season of Cultural Action. On Friday, the inauguration evening will continue with the first Bastion Friday of the season, while the red room will be transformed into a cinema for the summer.


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