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Saint-Cyprien: the future in question in Juliette Kerjean's novel

Juliette Kerjean, invited by the de lire association, will present her first novel on Saturday November 16.

Saturday November 16, at 2:30 p.m., the Génin-de-Règnes room in Saint-Cyprien will welcome the young author Juliette Kerjean who, at the invitation of the Plaisir de lire association, will come to present her first novel The endless contract.

This text was the subject of a very lively discussion within the reading club and will undoubtedly arouse the interest of a large audience. The subjects covered such as the future of the planet and societal choices (favoring the individual or the collective, the ideal of freedom or voluntary servitude?) should also arouse the curiosity of high school students. The presentation will be followed by a debate and a signing session.

The book imagines a society where throughout the world, nation states have been replaced by corporate cities to which, from birth, individuals are bound by a contract supposed to guarantee them happiness. Utopian dream or dystopian nightmare? The story focuses on the destinies of two young brothers and sisters, Driss and Eleonore, whose mother has mysteriously disappeared and whose father has been sent to end his days in “The Second Zone”. Driss' job is to ensure that each employee is satisfied with their working conditions, but he is faced with a crisis in the hospital environment. Will he keep his faith in the values ​​of society or will he have to call it into question?

The young author first studied at Sciences Po , before heading towards a literary career. For the moment, she divides her time between writing and public relations work at the theater.

The endless contract is published by Les presses littéraires.



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