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Julie Andrieu rediscovers regional treasures | Gilles Pudlowski’s blog

It’s a delicious book and one that is in the style of the exquisite Julie Andrieu: pretty, well done, mischievous, useful, informative and delicious. It’s called “100 recipes to save!”, it appears at the end of the month in Albin Michel and lists the forgotten treasures of our regions. The Crécy soup, the Mourtayrol, the Duclair cherry tart, the eel pâté, the poached eggs (Fürstenberg) from Christian Dior, the sole, the brayaude omelette and the mironton beef adjoin the green walnut jam and the sour like the somersault. The author of these lines learns that there is a “ cake” (his hometown) made from thick cream and chocolate, different from that of , which contains butter and almonds with soft chocolate. The Auvergnats will find the bouriol there, the Quercynois the porcellous (cabbage paupiettes stuffed with meat and greens) and the Basques the axoa. Suffice to say that there is something for everyone in this pretty, widely illustrated book, with photos by Guilaume Czerw and Maylis Leroy, full of beautiful recipes and judicious explanations.

100 recipes to save!, by Julie Andrieu (Albin Michel, 224 pages, €29.90).


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