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Blanzy – 7,862 books at €0.90 sold, a record!

Records are made to be broken, so the Mine de lire association did not go into detail on Wednesday at the EVA room in Blanzy where the region’s largest book sale was held. But be careful, books for young people at an incredible sale price, €0.90 each.

So 7,862 books were sold, or 1,900 more than in 2022.

No, you are not dreaming. This is possible thanks to “Reading is leaving” which publishes color albums for the youngest and books in pocket format. The publishing house only charges the printing costs and the copyright paid. Since books are printed in large numbers, printing is cheaper. Each year, around thirty titles are published and 30,000 copies are printed. “Reading is leaving” takes care of their distribution in conjunction with a whole network of associations to ensure an affordable cost, notably Mine de lire in Blanzy.

Before the doors opened, “we already had 4,200 books on order and 4,000 available on the tables” reports Martine Servy, president of Mine de lire.

Schools are the first to benefit from the windfall, but individuals have also come in large numbers. Christmas is approaching.


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