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Beaupréau-en-Mauges. A new, larger and more sturdy book box is being prepared for

The old book box, installed in 2018 near the delegated town hall, fulfilled its role well but has aged well and is no longer very waterproof. This is why the association of Futés du bois proposed, in partnership with the Association of Companies of Jallais (AEJ), to manufacture a new one, larger and more solid.

Saturday October 12, three adults and three children gave their time to saw, sand, screw and stain the wood provided by the Bidet company.

The result will be on display during the Oyster Festival on December 7 and 8 in Jallais, before it is permanently reinstalled. announces Céline Jacquet of Futés du bois.

Let’s remember the principle of a book box: everyone can leave or borrow a book freely and free of charge. Founded on the principle of exchange and self-management, we can say that it is a small library based on exchange and sharing.

A virtuous circular cultural circle

To go further, it is possible to insert a little word of appreciation for the reading so that the sharing takes on a real human dimension. It is also an opportunity for those who do not have the financial means to buy books to open up to reading and benefit from a virtuous circular cultural circle.


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