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The Minister of Early Childhood reacts to the controversies after the book “Les Ogres”


Pierre Choisnet

Published on

10 oct. 2024 à 17h17

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The book The Ogresby Victor Castanet (Editions Flammarion), was like a tidal wave in the early childhood sector. French investigative journalist, best known for his book The Gravediggerswhich highlighted the dysfunctions of nursing homes in , this time attacked serious acts of abuse in private nurseriesnotably those of the People & Baby group.

Victor Castanet also denounces a system of saving on diapers or meals in order to generate more profits, or the inexperience of certain staff having to fend for themselves. The 4e cover of the book published in September 2024 announces the color: “One ogre can hide many others. A united sector, complicit town halls, the top of the State involved… Our children are in danger, we are all concerned. »

The Minister Delegate in charge of Families and Early Childhood, Agnès Canayer, was present at the inauguration of the new Acacias crèche, in Louviers, this Thursday, October 10, 2024. ©La Dépêche de Louviers – Pierre CHOISNET

“Immense responsibility of the State”: “Margins for progress”, according to the minister

Agnes Canayer was visiting Louviers (Eure) this Thursday, October 10, 2024. The Minister Delegate in charge of Families and Early Childhood came to the inauguration of the Acacias crèchein the eponymous district classified as “city policy”, that is to say priority. Agnès Canayer, former senator from Seine-Maritime, agreed to react to the revelations in Victor Castanet’s book.

Faced with the author who points the finger at “immense responsibility” of the State and local authorities, in particular the flaws in the various controls carried out, the minister answers us : “I am not sure that the State failed in its responsibility. There is certainly room for progress and improvement. » Agnès Canayer recognizes “sometimes poor coordination of controls at the local level. »

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For the minister, “this book highlights human testimonies around dysfunctions already known thanks to the IGAS report. The latter, published in April 2023, related to the quality of reception and the prevention of mistreatment in nurseries.

Today, the primary challenge is to guarantee the quality of care in all early childhood structures in France.

Agnes Canayer

The delegate minister read the book The Ogres. She confides: “He describes a lot of unacceptable behavior which must be sanctioned. This kind of thing lifts the heart because it touches what we hold dearest, our children. »

The delegate minister Agnès Canayer alongside the mayor of Louviers, François-Xavier Priollaud (MoDem). ©La Dépêche de Louviers – Pierre CHOISNET

The mayor of Louviers has confidence in his city’s nurseries

François-Xavier Priollaud, the mayor of Louviers, assures “that no resident has come to see me worried”. According to him, “in Louviers, we have very professional and serious early childhood teams”. He affirms: “There may be a problem at the national level, but that does not concern Louviers. I have no reason to have any fears here.”

“Reception of children in a context of kindness”

Agnès Canayer is awaiting the benchmark for the quality of care for children under three years of age which will be published in December 2024. “It will serve as a basis for the implementation of a coordination of controls between Caf, PMI and the State. So that all structures can be checked within five yearsand that there is a cross-checking of controls to take the necessary measures on structures that do not respect commitments,” she explains.

Even if private nurseries are in the sights, Agnès Canayer does not forget the “associative and public structures”. She states: “We must ensure the quality of reception in all structures, whatever their mode of operation. » His wish? ” I want strengthen quality controlsto be sure that in all early childhood structures we have the conditions to ensure the reception of children in a context of kindnessdevelopment and support, even if we are not never safe from individual dysfunctions. And we will also ask that all deviant behavior be directly sanctioned. »

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