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The Russian House hosted a presentation of the book by blogger Maria Troitskaïa “Parisian Architecture. From Empire to Modernism”

On September 27, the Russian House of Science and Culture in hosted the presentation of the book “Parisian Architecture. From empire to modernism” by Maria Troitskaya, architect, author of the most popular Telegram channel on in Russian “How are things in Paris? “.

The presentation of the book by an expert in the work of Le Corbusier, a graduate of the French architecture school ENSA Paris-Malaquais, brought together more than 100 young compatriots and French people. The author of the book not only spoke about the architectural metamorphosis of Paris from the Empire of Napoleon III to the modernism of the 1940s, about her work at the Le Corbusier Foundation, but she also made unusual parallels with the architecture of Moscow. For example, despite the absence of sewage and water supply systems at the beginning of the 19th centurye century and the high population density in Paris, Joseph Bové developed in 1813 a project for the reconstruction of Moscow in the style of the Empire and neoclassicism. The famous French Art Nouveau style is much more common in Moscow buildings, such as the mansion of Stepan Riabouchinsky or that of Lev Кékushev.

The story of the meeting between Le Corbusier and the architect Ivan Leonidov, whose work the French architect greatly appreciated and translated his articles for his magazine *L’Esprit Nouveau*, was of particular interest to the guests of the Russian House. The audience continued to question the heroine of the evening about the numbering of districts, circular traffic in Paris and beyond, the preservation of historical backdrops, the influence of famous architects and urban planners on emperors and presidents, and much more.

The presentation ended with a musical surprise from John Gade, pianist, winner of international competitions, professor at the Alexandre Scriabin Conservatory at the Russian House in Paris.

The complete recording of the event in Russian and French will be available on the You-Tube channel of the Russian House in Paris.


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