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this author from made a book about it


Valentin Mauduit

Published on

3 oct. 2024 à 12h14

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Mathilde Allaire released her first novel last March on the theme of burn-out. After a dedication in June at the cultural space of the Leclerc Val d’Huisne center, Cherré-Au ()it’s at the Le Repaire du Lac store, located in the Lac area, La Ferté-Bernardthat you will be able to meet the young author, this Saturday October 5, 2024.

At 35, Mathilde published “Last Report on Egoism” with Éditions du Lys Bleu, “a fictional but realistic novel. » The resident of Nogent-le-Bernard tells this story: “it’s about a young woman who works, she’s a mother, and doesn’t see that she’s burning out. And the novel evokes the fact of ‘listening to oneself more’”.

A subject that was close to her heart, not that she experienced exhaustion, “but I got up one morning telling myself that my fast-paced daily life was depriving me of my passions. I had lost the pleasures of life.”

His novel about burn-out written during the night

Sales – that’s how she met David and Sébastien, the managers of Repaire du Lac – she changed sectors to flourish.

When I was in middle school and high school, I loved reading and then I gave up on working life.

Mathilde Allaire, author

So early this morning vision and this awareness experienced, Mathilde returned to writing, “even before reading, I am ashamed”, she smiles.

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In a few months, his story was finished “writing mostly at night. I had a very close friend read it and that was it. She told me I shouldn’t stop there.”

“I’m quite modest”

Very introverted, it was quite a step for Mathilde to move into the public domain.

I’m quite modest, I internalize a lot. And by writing, I felt like I was taking things back into my own hands.

Mathilde Allaire

However, Mathilde Allaire is her real identity, she did not hide behind a pseudo. “I could have… But it was an exercise for me. And then, there were struggles led by women to write in their name, we can do it, so I accepted! »

At the same time, reading has become part of his daily life. “I discovered lots of modern authors that I didn’t know like Melissa Da Costa. »

A book already in college

His passion for writing dates back to middle school, and a few anecdotes resurface. “At the time, I was writing little poems on post-its in the bus to my friends. »

She had even already written a book. “It was a first thing, I had tinkered on the typewriter. I took a tablecloth from my mother to make the cover. And a friend gave it to our French teacher who found it so good that it ended up in the CDI for the other students to read. »

Its title? “Mage, the lost empire”. “It was fantastic, far from what I do now. But I’m not closing any doors. »

After the release of her first novel a few months ago, Mathilde is already writing her second. “Without being moralizingI want to try to make people see things differently. And this one will be centered on optimism, keeping things positive. » No release date is planned!

“Last report on selfishness”, novel by Mathilde Allaire. Dedication at Repaire du lac, Saturday October 5, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Available in Leclerc, in all bookstores and online.

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