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Hervé Le Tellier speaks during the literary festival

the essential
Tomorrow evening the doors of the “Villeneuve se livre” literary festival close, chaired by Corinne Royer and Hervé Le Téllier.

The latter, in the absence of Corinne Royer, took part in the game of questions and answers meeting with his readers during several public sessions.
If Hervé Le Tellier knows Villeneuve, his answer is simple. “I have been here several times before. Already at the invitation of the festival, but many years ago, at the invitation of a previous municipality. It’s a very pleasant city to live in, where you feel good.”

As for the force of this type of event, “it is undeniable. It is important to introduce books and readings, to meet readers. You know, writing is a very solitary act. It is only on rare occasions that writers can meet their readers and interact with them. It is also an opportunity for me to meet writer friends. We don’t necessarily cross paths a lot. And this kind of event is a good opportunity to chat with each other. It is these encounters that bring the book to life. Everything is good to do to promote reading in all its forms.”

And Hervé Le Tellier knows many shapes. He is also a member of Oulipo. “We meet to compare our work. It is extremely rich to work on certain works with constraints, at the base of the Oulipo movement. It’s a real collective project that allows us to reinvent ourselves.”

The literary festival continues until Sunday on Place Lafayette and the church square.

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