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Books become decorative objects

Arpajon-sur-Cère. When books become decorative objects. Céline Bourbon Percherancier, author and president of the Arpajonnaise association Salon du livre ephemere, has just created her micro-enterprise Cé’plié creations, on the basis of an observation that she willingly shares.

“As a lover of books, I try to reuse them as much as possible so that they don’t end up in the trash. I make decorative objects, unique and fully customizable pieces. The client chooses his theme, his color, we talk about his desire, what he wants and I create the objects according to all of that. Some people also have books that they don’t want to throw away but that they will never read again, so together we look at how to transform them to give them a second life. » The self-employed person also assumes that a unique and personalized piece does not necessarily mean an expensive purchase. Information on; [email protected].

The creations are visible on Facebook Cé’plié and on


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