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L’Intranquille, a bookstore in the heart of Books in the Loop

We have been taking part in the Livre dans la Boucle adventure since our creation, when it was still Les Mots », shares with us Muriel Gallot, bookseller at the literature center of L’Intranquille, present since the beginning of the adventure in 2015, before her first experience with second-hand books.

This year, the bookstore had not one, but two stands, one of which focused solely on children’s books. Among its guest authors this year were Carène Ponte and Bertrand Puard: “ For us, it is very important to participate in this important literary rentrée, the opportunity to promote books through a unifying event. “, explains the bookseller.

She sees it every year: “ The festival is important in the hearts of the people here. It is unmissable. »

Along with L’Intranquille, five other independent structures: Grand Forum, Les Sandales d’Empédocle, which this year is carrying out, among other things, the regional edition; Mine de Rien, specializing in comics; Reservoir Books and La Maison du Livre et de la Presse: “ The organizing committee makes a call for tenders, and through various meetings throughout the year, the authors are distributed among the bookstores. “, Muriel Gallot explains to us.

Six independent structures therefore, and one which is not present, because it is too small: “ Seven bookstores for a city of just over 100,000 inhabitants, that shows that we have good readers, big readers. “, analyzes the bookseller. Further proof, if any were needed: the figures for L’Intranquille were up last year. More generally, ” we live well side by side “, assures Muriel Gallot.

In 2022, its owner Michel Méchiet, in office since the opening, retired, and handed over his role to his son Romain Méchiet, former executive of Payot bookstores in Switzerland and ex-manager… of Sandales d’Empédocles.

L’Intranquille, which covers 1200 m² in the heart of Besançon, offers a wide selection of more than 100,000 titles spread over five levels, including sections dedicated to stationery and fine art supplies. On the top floor, a café area invites you to relax, while enjoying the view of the dome and the temporary exhibitions. Its team of 25 people awaits you, 59 Rue des Granges.

Photo credits: ActuaLitté (CC BY-SA 2.0)

FILE – Books in the loop: Besançon at the heart of the literary rentrée


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