“I have been working for farmers for a long time”, Annie Genevard at two agricultural shows a few hours before her appointment

“I have been working for farmers for a long time”, Annie Genevard at two agricultural shows a few hours before her appointment
“I have been working for farmers for a long time”, Annie Genevard at two Doubs agricultural shows a few hours before her appointment

The future Minister of Agriculture travelled this Saturday, September 21, to two agricultural shows in the department. In these lands, the appointment to the government of the Republican MP would be rather well received.

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Under a blue sky, Annie Genevard (Les Républicains) spent the morning at the Noël-Cerneux agricultural show in Haut-Doubs among farmers she knows well. Here, Montbéliarde cows are raised to make Comté cheese.

“I think I must have passed the 100th comice since I became a member of parliament. These are exceptional moments in the life of our territory where rurality is expressed and recognized.” declared Annie Genevard at the end of the morning at the microphone of our journalists Elea N’Gyuyen Van Ky and Guillaume Soudat.“These are moments that I always enjoy sharing.” adds the elected official who underlines with a short sentence that she has been “working for a long time” for the agricultural world.

At the Noël Cerneux agricultural show in Doubs, Annie Genevard, future Minister of Agriculture in the Barnier government.

© Elea N’Guyen Van Ky

On the ground, farmers are not surprised by the possible appointment of Annie Genevard to the delicate issues of French agriculture. Annie Genevard, MP, is almost every weekend in the field in the 5th constituency of Doubs, which she has covered for four terms.

For us, it would be a good thing. She is someone who is very involved in the agricultural sector. Afterwards, we don’t invent finances. She will not be the only one to decide.

Joseph Mougin, breeder in Haut-Doubs

“She is a very good person, who is very close to farmers. I think she will do the job” says another farmer, with a Haut-Doubs accent. “At the local level, she is already very involved, so if she moves to the next level, it could be very good.” complete Francis Rambaud.

After Noël-Cerneux, Annie Genevard headed to another agricultural show in the middle of the afternoon, the one in Mouthe on the Swiss border. A meeting with farmers in the area that will certainly revolve around the wolf. Attacks by this predator on sheep and cattle have been increasing for several years in the Jura massif and this sector of the Mouthe valley. A she-wolf attacking a herd was shot dead on 24 August by a lethal shot as part of a prefectural decree.

The composition of the new government was announced around 7:50 p.m. Annie Genevard, 68, will be the third woman to occupy the Ministry of Agriculture.



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