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Marieke Aucante returns to book signings with an epistolary novel

And 25! With Write to mepublished by L’Andriague editions, Marieke Aucante is back in bookstores since August 25, 2024 with a new epistolary novel. She will be signing books at the Labbé bookstore in this Friday, September 20 at 5 p.m. A book inspired by a personal story experienced a few years ago by the author. “I had an epistolary relationship with a reader. In this book I took up and imagined the continuation of what happened”presents Marieke Aucante.

“All passionate love is doomed to fall.”

Exchanges of letters around the passionate love that takes possession of the two protagonists. “First, there is the energy of passion that rises creating a vital need to meet physicallydescribes the former journalist when talking about her book. Then all passionate love is doomed to go down again.”

A writing that presented a lexical challenge for Marieke Aucante. “I worked on the French language and I think I have completed my research on the vocabulary of love”she assures. So to describe what is happening “in the heart and in the head”the author found her technique: “It’s easy to write when you’ve lived it”recalls Marieke Aucante, recalling the fifty years of marriage with her husband. She hopes that readers “will enter into his book as they entered into love and they will find again what they have lived”.

The “precious” wait for the postman and his letters

As for the form of her book with epistolary exchanges, Marieke Aucante regrets the time when we waited for the postman to receive our letter and those moments “Precious. Love is an encounter linked to one’s expectations, one’s hopes and what one projects into the other.”develops the one who still holds, today, the missives at the origin of this work. The writer also scattered evocations of forests, a highly important subject for her, in order to indicate the places where each letter was written.

During the signing session on Friday, she will also take the opportunity to highlight her penultimate novel, which is a collection of twenty-one short stories. “greedy, erotic, tragic or funny”titled The Succulents.

A new book already in preparation

And the passion for writing is not about to leave Marieke Aucante who is already working on writing another book. “I tell the story of someone who wants to live in his forest”says this lover of the woods. Her house is also built entirely with oak trunks. Trees planted by her grandfather several decades ago and used by her husband to build the building. Marieke Aucante smiles as she recalls her family’s agricultural past in the area: “You know, I have the roots of three-hundred-year-old oaks here!”


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