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A young woman from Vosges’s successful fight against cancer, told in a book

This testimonial book is available on hello asso.

Lilou was only six years old when doctors diagnosed her with kidney cancer in 2017. Detected at stage four, the cancer was very advanced and the doctors were not optimistic: they gave Lilou only a one in three chance of survival.

At the age of six, she held on to life and fought back. One chance in three, that’s the title of the book she published. On the occasion of Golden September, a month dedicated to research into pediatric cancers, Magnum la Radio looked into Lilou’s case.

This book tells the story of her fight, but also that of her family and loved ones. The idea was born two years ago. A writer suggested that Lilou and her mother tell their story. The preface to the book was written by D’jal, a French comedian, actor and screenwriter, who has followed and supported Lilou for years.

Lilou Little

Crossing the desert, then remission

Lilou is now in remission. She hopes that the story she shares in her book, her story, will help those who need it… While she herself tries to help as best she can: the book is on sale on hello asso (€25) and all profits are donated to the association Solidarité à Lilou to improve the daily lives of children with cancer.

The association has helped around thirty families and makes sick children’s dreams come true. It also helps them financially and intervenes in hospitals. Recently, Lilou and her mother went to Nigloland with eight families.


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