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mobilizations against the arrival of Marguerite Stern and her “transphobic” book at Marion Maréchal’s school

Several groups are calling for a demonstration on September 19 against Marguerite Stern’s visit to ISSEP, denouncing transphobic remarks.

The arrival of Marguerite Stern at ISSEP, Marion Maréchal’s school, to present her book Transmania is not to everyone’s taste.

In a press release, various left-wing and far-left groups and associations described this book as “fiction that aims to demonize trans people and spread hatred”adding that he “is not based on any scientific reality”According to them, the work of the former Femen was used in particular to support a transphobic bill aimed at “ban the transition of minors”.

The statement emphasizes that “in the world in 2023, there will be more than 300 people murdered because of their gender identity” and that in , “SOS homophobia, in its 2023 report, notes a 35% increase in transphobic situations”The groups are calling for mobilization to defend the rights of trans people.

Two gatherings are therefore planned for this Thursday.

A first, called by SOS Homophobie, LFI, the Young Guard, EELV and Attac, will take place at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Regional Hotel, at 101 cours Charlemagne.

Another call, from the Antifa group, plans a gathering at 7 p.m. directly in front of the ISSEP premises, at 56 rue Denuzière, with the aim of “block the spread of this discriminatory and retrograde propaganda”.



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