where to install new book boxes in Fougères?
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where to install new book boxes in Fougères?


Stessy Robert

Published on

September 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

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THE book boxes are public facilities that allow residents to deposit, to exchange or collect books.

In this way, the people of Fougeres can empty their shelves of unused books but also find books that interest them. The exchanges are anonymous et free.

Five book boxes already present

During the last Citizens’ Dayon May 25, five New book boxes were made in collaboration with local residents.

We were approached by some residents of Fougères to tell us that the book boxes were in poor condition. We were looking to create something that would allow participation.

Mathieu Milesi, assistant for participatory democracy

These installations were put in place two weeks later, replacing the old ones on the same locations.

They are located at the main door of the Jardin publicon the square Pierre-Symon near the castle, at the community center of the Cat flap (behind the Juliette-Drouet center), at the square of the Madeleine (near the primary school) and at the park of Orières (next to the playground).

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Fougerais can share their suggestions

The goal now is to identify new places to install more book boxes.

The idea is to solicit the residents. If they have an idea of ​​a neighborhood, of places where it would be relevant to have one, we want to be informed and see what is possible to do.

Nolwenn Marcandella, participatory democracy project manager

Interested parties can submit their ideas by email to the address [email protected]or directly on site at the stands of the City of Fougères at association forum September 7th.

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