“The Adversary” by Emmanuel Carrère – The writer and the assassin, on arte

“The Adversary” by Emmanuel Carrère – The writer and the assassin, on arte
“The Adversary” by Emmanuel Carrère – The writer and the assassin, on arte

In a 52-minute documentary, Emmanuel Carrère looks back on the genesis and writing of his successful book, The opponentpublished in 2000. Fascinating.

In 2000, came out The opponent d’Emmanuel Carrèrerecounting the “Jean-Claude Romand affair”, seen through the eyes of the writer. A book which will subsequently be considered as the first true non-fiction novel, released in , placing the “literature of reality” among the “possible” genres, while in the United States, the genre had already been popularized in 1966 thanks to the book He sang coldthe cult novel by the writer Truman Capote.

The 52-minute documentary offered to us Camille Juza returns to this affair, 30 years after the facts, questioning Emmanuel Carrère on how he approached the construction of this book.

He recounts, in particular, how the work on this book, which lasted seven years, was painful for him, from the moment he learned of this news item until the book was released. Between the two, the meeting with the false doctor, liar, manipulator and murderer.

Snow Sinno, Angie David, Philippe Jaenada et David Dufresne bring their perspective on this book which, even today, remains one of the most important published over the last 25 years.


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