Thierry Brenner, songwriter and writer, is taking part in a giant literary treasure hunt like 142 others throughout France, in support of self-publishing. His book She is him was hidden in Thouars. Three clues will be given.
Author of six novels, in various styles, autobiographical, theatrical comedy, with She is him the novelist explains : « I forged my very identifiable style of cinematographic writing; I show my resolution to turn to stories that can be adapted into films, plus it is extremely fun to read. » He is known for having written the texts of more than two thousand songs, the most publicized of which remains Butterfly of light for Cindy Sander, singer revealed by the show New starin 2008.
This unique adventure combines the passion for reading and the quest for literary treasures! To find their books, from 1is February, clues will be given on an interactive map. Then, simply send a photo of your discovery, identifying the author and using the hashtag #chasseauxtrésorsae. Participants will automatically be entered into the final draw. To be won, in addition to the signed book already found, a digital reader filled with eBooks, an exclusive meeting with the author of your choice and many surprises yet to be revealed…