[LIVRE] Me Goldnadel in the Wokist jails: enjoyable reading guaranteed

[LIVRE] Me Goldnadel in the Wokist jails: enjoyable reading guaranteed
[LIVRE] Me Goldnadel in the Wokist jails: enjoyable reading guaranteed

Marx’s fourth of the month – “ a revolutionary calendar replaced the reactionary calendar » -, four henchmen come to get Me Ghislain Gronadel and take him to a re-education camp: the camp of Good. In the cell where he is bored and depressed, he keeps his diary published by Éditions Fayard.

The new political regime is that of “Insoumise Trance”, which controls except for an Islamist enclave in Seine-Saint-Denis. La Trance insoumise has complete freedom to apply its ideas. However, he pulled the rope too much, the Gronadel. Not conformist enough. Resistant to the new morality. He deserves to be punished and, even if he proves resistant, re-educated. Confronted with jailers, civil servants and judges of the most varied gender, origin and sexual orientation, he will have to learn to conceal his ideas. In vain, because his file is full of unforgivable comments he made or wrote.

Me Goldnadel as an obese woman

Gronadel tries to strike the chord of victimization. It paid off, victimization. He wants the administration to believe that Apache blood flows in his veins, then that he feels like a woman and a lesbian. We don’t believe it. He then starts eating for being fat and accusing the jailers of fatphobia. Isn’t that the whole point of fat studies ? « These studies on corpulence are based on the principle of postmodern theories making science a construction of power fueling “hatred” towards corpulent people, in the same way as misogyny and racism. » But none of this will move the sadomasochistic curator responsible for deconstructing it.

So much for the appetizers that whet the reader’s appetite before the anthology chapters where Gilles-William Goldnadel, with the ferocious greed that we know him, will tell his judges their four truths. During the hearings, he transformed his plea into an indictment. Heard, successively, on the cancel cultureon white guilt, on MeToo (“ Madam Justice, relationships between men and women can be very ugly, very painful, very unfair, sublime, even mysterious ), on the LGBTQXYZ (did you know Dr. John Money, apprentice sorcerer of transgenderism?), the climate and anti-immigrant racism, Gronadel demolishes wokism through the menu.


“Transe Inter”, the only authorized radio station

Among all the bad wokist actions that Gronadel sends to the head of the magistrates of Good – including a certain number of gems heard on “Transe Inter”, the only authorized radio -, I note a misdeed whose lesson ridicules all past, present and future inquisitions. come. The one that happened to the British poet Ted Hugues (1930-1998). A malicious researcher discovered that one of his ancestors, Nicolas Ferrar, was involved in slavery – in the 16the century ! The British Library put Ted Hugues’ books on the index, ranking him among 300 personalities ” associated with wealth obtained through colonial violence “. But, looking for more, it turned out… it turned out what I let you discover on pages 68 to 70. The story is very real, like others including BV talked to you, the hunt for dwarves at the Prado or the rewriting of the libretto of The Magic Flute.

Because the most delusional aspects of Me Goldnadel’s book are not the result of a mental disorder of the author or his alter ego. The commonplace that “the RN has a problem with culture” is an inversion of reality. It is Wokism, which has a huge problem with culture, to the point of delirium in the inquisition, ideological condemnation and verdicts tainted with judicial errors… When Wokism is dead and buried, it will be necessary to draw up a list of all its victims (men and works). For the love of art and the history of ideas. Me Goldnadel’s book provides a sketch of this.

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