It’s not me, it’s AI, the guide to intelligent prompting

It’s not me, it’s AI, the guide to intelligent prompting

“It’s not me, it’s AI” is a book intended for young readers aged 10 and over, co-written by Didier Roy and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, illustrated by Clémentine Latron.

This book published by Nathan is a guide that aims to tame artificial intelligence (AI) without falling into its traps. It brilliantly succeeds in this mission.

An educational and fun approach

The authors explain in a clear and concise manner how AI works, its applications and its potential dangers. Fake news, deep fakes… all the pitfalls are addressed. It also shows how AI used well can be an asset. They explain that generative AIs like ChatGPT or Gemini are not infallible and address the issue of homework (a vast subject!).
The illustrations by Clémentine Latron add a touch of lightness. The reading is engaging and full of exciting discoveries.

Answers to the concerns of parents and teenagers

This guide answers teens’ questions while allaying parents’ concerns. It shows how AI can be a valuable ally in many areas of daily life if used well. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining control over technology.

It’s not me, it’s the AI ​​– A humorous and accessible tone

The humorous and accessible tone of the book helps to demystify AI and make it understandable for young readers. This complex subject is subject to all fantasies. The two authors brilliantly succeed in making it intelligible to all.
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