Sigean: a book sale for a good cause

Sigean: a book sale for a good cause
Sigean: a book sale for a good cause

Last summer at the Sigean penitents’ hall, Sylvie from the Voyages et Loisirs pour tous association organized a book sale to help an association which worked for animals. After raising a total of €150, Loisirs et Voyage pour tous were spoiled for choice. Although it was difficult to award the donation, Cathy, Geneviève and Sylvie chose the Eden of the Sun King association. An association dedicated to the well-being of dogs based in Bompas. And at the beginning of January, they went there to visit the six thousand square meter site which is entirely dedicated to the well-being of dogs. This association fights for the excluded, the outcasts of canine society, those that no one wants because they are “ugly, bruised, exhausted and damaged” by their journeys devoid of humanity. A cause that particularly pleased Sylvie and her friends. So, it was decided that another book sale will be held soon.



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