When a publisher visits major exhibitions like Art Basel and the Salon Maison et Objet in the Parisian capital, it gives ideas for beautiful books to be published, such as a directory of West Indian visual artists and a book on Creole furniture. Two creative works proposed by Jean Benoit Desnel (IDEM editions) for overseas visibility on the world stage.
Martinican publisher Jean Benoit Desnel took the opportunity, during the last three months of 2024, to visit some major exhibitions in the Parisian capital.
In October 2024, it was Art Basel Paris, an international contemporary fair organized by the Swiss group MCH at the renovated Grand Palais, which hosted events for the Paris Olympic Games.
This 3e edition of Art Basel through several emblematic places in the districts of Paris, allowed Jean Benoît Desnel to meet directors of Parisian galleries, for his project for an illustrated directory of Martinican painters, a book promoting visual arts.
It is both a project for a beautiful painting book… which will be like an illustrated directory of renowned Martinican visual artists which takes me here to the Grand Palais, but also the centenary of surrealism… A way of trying to bring out ” purgatory of only regional recognition” our talents in the visual arts. I had great meetings like the one with Philippe Boutté from the Galerie Magnin in Paris
Jean Benoît Desnel – Editor
The publisher attended other fairs and had creative exchanges on the Creole art of living. The idea came to him to publish a work.
In a not so distant past, at the heart of Creole interior habits, red wood furniture of precious species, particularly in opulent houses, had its place: pedestal table, chaise longue, sofa, rocking chair, psyche, four-poster bed, ti- ban, tray etc… So the idea of a beautiful book (like coffee-table book) in the style of Taschen editions, will complete a collection of books, firstly on the visual arts, to be published and then other books on furniture and the art of living in the West Indies.
Jean Benoît Desnel – Editor
This action has the new objective of popularizing, why not, the manufacture of Creole furniture industrially.
We thought about it, which is why the copyright of certain objects will be made free, at our request to the selected designers, in order to attach plans for industrial machining, for their manufacture, inside the book.
Jean Benoît Desnel – Editor
The Martinican publisher seems to be focusing its visibility policy on Paris for 2025. In the pipes looms a literary prize around beautiful books that talk about heritage.
For the year 2025, we wish to use the notoriety of Saint-Germain des Prés, with its almost century-old establishment. La Rhumerie as a showcase of the Creole art of living with this literary prize speaking of this France beyond France.
Jean benoît Desnel – Editor