In order to ensure optimal security for the Christmas parties organized in the halls by the Quest'n bike association, it is necessary to recruit a SSIAP (Security and Personal Assistance Service). During the Questembert municipal council meeting on Monday, December 2, elected officials validated the proposal from Boris Lemaire, mayor, to pay an exceptional subsidy of €657 to the Quest'n'bike association corresponding to the amount of this service.
Fifteen authors
“The 23rd children's book fair will take place from May 14 to 18, 2025 with fifteen invited authors and illustrators,” announced Sylvaine Texier, assistant in charge of culture.
It will take place in several stages: Wednesday May 14, workshops and exhibitions are organized in the media libraries. Thursday May 15 and Friday May 16, authors will speak in schools. Saturday May 17 and Sunday May 18, place at the book fair under the Halles. “The fifteen authors will meet 42 classes in Questembert and 50 in other municipalities in the region on May 15 and 16, 2025,” underlined Sylvaine Texier.
The council also deliberated on an exceptional grant of €2,000 for the benefit of Carq (athletics club). “The association asked us to organize the departmental cross-country race which will take place in Questembert and to participate in the acquisition of poles necessary for a 14-year-old athlete who has obtained results at a national level,” underlined Jacky Chauvin , first deputy in charge of community life.
The council also allocated advances on the 2025 subsidies. First for the CCAS (communal social action center) in the amount of €204,000. And for the Ogec of the Notre-Dame school an amount of €81,000. Or a third of the amount of the 2024 grant