We read “When the abyss looks at you” by Eric Emeraux who knows about hate crimes

We read “When the abyss looks at you” by Eric Emeraux who knows about hate crimes
We read “When the abyss looks at you” by Eric Emeraux who knows about hate crimes

Julie “Musemanias Books”, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends “When the abyss looks at you” by Eric Emeraux, published on May 23, 2024 by Éditions Récamier.

His favorite quote:

« “In war, politicians give the ammunition, the rich give the food, and the poor give their children… When the war is over, the politicians collect the remaining ammunition, the rich grow more food, and the poor look for the graves of their children . » »

Why this book?

  • Because Eric Emeraux had already tried his hand at writing, in 2020, with the story of his profession, “Stalking is my job”. This time, he chose fiction and he really did well.
  • Because, inspired by his professional career, Éric Emeraux puts his experience as former head of the OCLCH (Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes) into a book that can be experienced at 100 miles per hour. Its main character, Michel Rinocci alias Rhino, is also the head of this office. Enamelled by scars from the past, this character is endearing because of his flaws.
  • Because having studied law – in particular international criminal law, and having devoted my final thesis to international crimes such as crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocides and crimes of aggression, it is a subject that speaks to me enormously . But I don’t think that’s the only reason I devoured this book…
  • Because the writing is neat and precise. The chapters unfold and the reader is literally caught in the author’s clutches. Masterfully handling the codes of the thriller, Éric Emeraux offers a well-oiled story where we tremble with charismatic characters. A page-turner that I like so much, the action and suspense are indeed there.
  • Because this summer, if you’re wondering whatever you may read, on vacation or elsewhere, I can only strongly advise you to get this book, because you will not be disappointed!

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot. Paris, August 2021. Colonel Michel Rinocci, known as Rhino, is the head of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH). A mysterious robbery case puts him back on the trail of Vuk, his worst enemy, presumed dead.

Characters. Colonel Michel Rinocci, known as the Rhino, against Vuk, his worst enemy.

Places. Bosnia-Herzegovina and France in particular.

The time. 1994-2021.

The author. Colonel of the National Gendarmerie, Éric Emeraux is the former Head of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity, Genocide and War Crimes (OCLCH). His expertise is still sought after around the world. “Tracking is my job” is his first book.

This book was read while taking almost a week to recover and be able to write about it. I literally loved everything about this thriller: the fast pace, the story, the characters, the writing. In short, a real favorite!

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