This pirate library defies justice and supports students around the world

A recent study reveals how an illegal downloading platform helps students circumvent academic poverty. While some see it as a digital Robin Hood, others denounce its illegal nature.

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Z-Library is a illegal platform among the most popular in the world. It offers free million pounds and academic articles, normally chargeable. Ses usersoften in precarious situations, find a way to continue their studies despite financial or geographic obstacles. However, its operation remains at the heart of numerous controversies, particularly with publishers and legal authorities.

A recent study, published in the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, looked at the motivations of Z-Library users. It reveals that, for many studentsthis digital library is a response to prohibitive book costs and limited access to academic resources. Among the groups interviewed were Chinese students and Reddit users, who see the platform as an essential resource, despite its illegal status.

Z-Library defies justice and continues to provide books to struggling students

The history of Z-Library is turbulent. The platform was targeted by American justice in 2022, with the closure of more than 200 domain names and the arrest of two of its administrators in Argentina. Despite this, she survived by migrating to the dark web before coming back online with new features pour bypass blockages. In March 2023, it even launched an exceptional donation campaign to ensure its sustainability.

Users, for their part, justify their use of the latter by financial constraints. A student explains, for example, thatjust one book sometimes costs the equivalent of 80% of his daily salary. In China, 41% of students interviewed in the study affirm that the closing temporary platform directly affected their studies.

On the same subject – This country has figured out how to effectively block pirate sites, but legitimate platforms are suffering

Despite the criticism, the platform continues to play a important role for many students. The site is seen by its defenders like a equalization tool in a world where inequalities in access to knowledge are glaring. THE editorson the other hand, denounce his impact on their income and the colossal effort required to block it. In , for example, courts have repeatedly ordered the blocking of hundreds of addresses associated with Z-Library, without however succeeding in making it inaccessible.



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