In the media this week: Mathias Énard, Camille Laurens, Douglas Kennedy…

In the media this week: Mathias Énard, Camille Laurens, Douglas Kennedy…
In the media this week: Mathias Énard, Camille Laurens, Douglas Kennedy…


“La Grande Librairie” by Augustin Trapenard. Wednesday November 6, at 9 p.m. American election special

  • Douglas Kennedy pour Elsewhere, at home (Belfond)
  • Eddy L. Harris pour American faith (Liana Levi)
  • Marie Vingtras pour The fierce souls (the Olivier)
  • Bénédicte Dupré Latour pour Promised Lands (Editions of the panseur)
  • Philippe Labro pour Two gimlets on the 5e avenue (Gallimard)
  • Katherine Pancol pour The plane trees of Manhattan (Albin Michel)
  • Marc Dugain pour The Putin plane, America…and me (Albin Michel)

France culture

“Culture lunches” by Marie Labory from Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Monday 12:00 p.m.: Criticism: Literature – Special Goncourt

  • Madelaine before dawn of Sandrine Collette (JC Lattes)
  • Houris of Camel Daoud (Gallimard)
  • Jacaranda of Gail Faye (Grasset)
  • Archipelagos d’Hélène Gaudy (The Olivier)

With Virginie Bloch-Lainé et Elise Lépine

1:00 p.m.: Meeting with Mathias Enardnovelist (2015 Goncourt Prize for his novel Compass) and producer of the show “La Conversation littéraire” on France Culture, for his book Melancholy of the borders: North (South Acts)

Thursday 12 p.m.: The comic book review

  • For a fraction of a second. The eventful life of Eadweard Muybridge of Guy Delisle (Shampooing/Delcourt)
  • Comrade Cuckoo d’Anke Feuchtenberger (Futuropolis)

With Catherine Robin et Victor Macé de Lépinay

“The Book Club” by Marie Richeux. Monday to Friday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Monday: With Gisele Sapiro pour What is a global author? (Gallimard/ EHESS)
  • Mardi : Country Girlsthe inaugural trilogy ofEdna O’Brien with the editor Sabine Wespieser and the actress Emmanuelle Devos
  • Wednesday: With Ludovic Villard pour Cartilages (Le Castor Astral)
  • Thursday: With Richard Pak pour At companies (Ateliers EXB)
  • Friday: In the choreographer’s library Nacera Belaza.

« Evening question » by Quentin Lafay Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Monday: 6:20 p.m. / The debate: Should literary prizes be reformed?

  • Clémentine Goldszaljournalist and literary critic, juror of the Elle Readers’ Prize
  • Camille Laurenswriter and member of the Académie Goncourt

“The poetry moment” by Cédric Aussir. Monday to Friday from 9:30 p.m. to 9:35 p.m.

“Keren Ann’s Poetry Moment”: Singer and composer, Dear Ann shares and comments on 20 poems among those that accompany him in his life and writing journey. Each one is performed by an actor and is heard through an immersive sound experience.

  • Monday : “I write to myself”  d’Andrée Chedidread by Tania De Montaigneof Rhythms published by Gallimard, 2018
  • Tuesday: Excerpt from L’Europeprophecy of William Blakeread by Julie Sicardtranslated by Pierre Leyris,1794
  • Wednesday : “Don’t share anymore” of Paul Eluardread by Blade Alimbayeof Capital of pain; love poetry published by Editions Gallimard, 2023
  • THURSDAY : “White days” of Leah Goldbergread by herself and Marion Malenfantpublished by Yamim Levanim1932
  • Friday : “Thoughts of a Reykjavik walker” of Seeread by Arthur Nauzicielof Obscure figures poems, with Catherine Eyjólfssonpublished by Cahiers de Nuit, 2000

“The Literary Conversation” by Mathias Énard. Saturday from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Interview with the novelist and journalist Delphine Minoui who publishes Badjens published by Seuil, as well as War reporter published by Bayard. Joined in the second part by the poet Atieh Attarzadeh who publishes I breathe under the stone published by Bruno Doucey, as well as the translator Farideh Rava.

“Saturday fiction, reading, poetry” coordinated by Blandine Masson. Saturday from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

When I don’t say anything I still think of Camille Readman Prud’homme. A program produced by Sophie-Aude Picon with the literary advice of Celine Geoffroy

Musical playback by Léonie Pernet of a work by the Quebec poet candidate for the Paul Claudel 2025 prize, recorded as part of the Brangues meetings at the Château de Paul Claudel, June 30, 2024.

France Inter

“The original soundtrack” by Nagui and Leïla Kaddour-Boudadi from Monday to Friday at 11 a.m.

Friday: With Marc Dugain pour The plane, Putin, America…and me (Albin Michel)

« Earth squared » by Mathieu Vidard from Monday to Friday at 2 p.m.

  • Tuesday: With Malcolm Ferdinand, doctor in political philosophy from -Diderot University and researcher at CNRS (IRISSO / Paris-Dauphine University), for Loving the Earth Undoing colonial habitation (The Threshold)
  • Wednesday: With Monique Mosserhistorian of art, architecture and gardens, engineer at the CNRS, co-author ofInvent the garden with Gilles Clement (The Threshold)
  • Thursday: With Jean-Jacques Hublin paleoanthropologist, specialist in human evolution, for The tyranny of the brain (Robert Laffont)

« The 20e Time » by Eva Bester Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m.

  • Monday: With Philippe Descola pour Notebook (L’Herne)
  • Tuesday: With Maylis of Kerangalpour Surf Day (Vertical)

“Etcétéra” by Lilia Hassaine. Every Saturday at 2 p.m.

With Camel Daoudpour Houris (Gallimard) and Christian Astolfipour The partridge’s eye (The Sound of Time).

“The Mask and the Feather” by Rebecca Manzoni on Sunday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.

  • Mon Assassin of Daniel Pennac (Gallimard)
  • The Winter Warriors d’Olivier Norek (Michel Laffont)
  • Pour Britney of Louise Chennevière (POL)
  • The rule of crime of Colson Whitehead (Albin Michel)

“Literary admirations” by Fabrice Luchini at 7:20 p.m. on Sunday.

Europe 1

“The voice is book” by Nicolas Carreau on Sunday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

In the library of Sebastien Azzopardi (Waiting for a guest)

Public Senate

“The joy of books” by Claire Chazal. Every Friday at 11 p.m.

For a special Brive Book Fair broadcast Claire Chazalreceives:

  • Jérôme Garcin pour Words and actions. Belles lettres under the Occupation (Ed. Gallimard)
  • Gilles Leroy pour Monologue of the she-wolf (Ed. JC Lattès)


PREV two new books by Hélène Valentin
NEXT “I like this Breton restraint, which is a form of politeness”: Olivier de Kersauson confides on the occasion of the release of his new book