Rodez. Tomorrow and Saturday, take part in “Books of the Heart”

Rodez. Tomorrow and Saturday, take part in “Books of the Heart”
Rodez. Tomorrow and Saturday, take part in “Books of the Heart”

the essential
During these two days, in front of the Maison du livre, a large sale of books at low prices is organized for the benefit of Restos du coeur. Two years ago she allowed Coluche’s disciples to raise nearly 10,000 euros.

Tomorrow and Saturday will take place the 14th edition of Books of the Heart. A major operation carried out by the Maison du livre for the benefit of Restos du coeur. Because this, carried out every two years, brought in a whopping 10,000 euros to the Restaurants in 2022. And all this, ultimately, while leading a double good cause. Recycle your old books and invite you to the precious act of reading.

But to achieve this, the employees of the Maison du livre, with the volunteers of the Livre ensemble association and Restos du coeur put a lot of heart into the work! No less than 10,000 books, sorted and arranged, will be put on sale at very low prices. “Many of the books are in very good condition but there are also older books and gems for collectors,” underlines Emmanuelle Belle, the director of the Maison du livre, for whom this operation is of great importance. And we must believe that it is of great importance to the people of Aveyron, as there were once again so many donors this year. Suddenly forcing the anthill of this operation to roll up their sleeves. The best reward for this effort will undoubtedly be the success of this sale which begins Friday and will continue on Saturday. All outdoors, in front of the Maison du livre premises.



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