“Thank you for vaping”, the book is available

“Thank you for vaping”, the book is available
“Thank you for vaping”, the book is available

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, this May 31, AIDUCE, SOVAPE, FIVAPE and La Vape du Cœur are providing free and open access to the digital version of their white paper “Merci la vape” and are launching funding participatory for its physical edition.

An essential and militant book

“Thank you vape”it is a global project which brings together the four major vaping defense associations independent of the tobacco industry: AIDUCE, SOVAPE, FIVAPE and La Vape du Cœur.

First of all, a petition, which collected nearly 100,000 signatures from vapers across France. And, based on these testimonies, therefore, a book of just over 100 pages, divided into two large parts.

The first addresses misconceptions about vaping, and their consequences. This, through three true ideas, which contradict the unfortunately majority beliefs among the general public.

The second part details proposals for a policy of general interest for vaping. It is continuity: after the observation, solidly and implacably drawn up, the solutions. These strive to cover all aspects of the sector, from information to training, without forgetting research.

The document is a very complete synthesis of both user observations and the work of the four associations for more than ten years in the field.

This document is therefore available free of charge in the form of a PDF (click here to consult the work). But the book will also benefit from a physical edition, through crowdfunding. Managed by SOVAPE, it will be printed in 200 copies, 100 for the contributors who have chosen it, and 100 for the associations.

Do you want to participate in financing?

Supporting vaping defense associations has never been more important. You too can take part in the defense of electronic cigarettes by participating in this community funding!

I give a few euros

The rest of the community vaping news



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