A customer offers a thousand thrillers, the bookstore decides to organize a clearance sale

A customer offers a thousand thrillers, the bookstore decides to organize a clearance sale
A customer offers a thousand thrillers, the bookstore decides to organize a clearance sale

Nadège Lucas from l’Établi des mots, the cooperative bookstore, managed collectively by members, says: A few months ago we opened a second-hand book section and one of the customers told us that he wanted to offer us a thousand thrillers. We didn’t want to refuse this lovely gift, but the bookstore is too small so we thought of organizing a book sale…

Read also: With 23 bookstores in Rennes, is there room for everyone?

Refreshments, music…

A first in the neighborhood. Outdoors, but sheltered, with refreshment bar, music and free area, a book sale spread over two days to give you time to take a good look…

“Finally, there will not only be thrillers, our members and other customers have also made donations and the collection continues until Saturday 1er June 2024. There are all kinds of books at very low prices and plenty of free ones, because publishers often offer them to us. »

The bookstore will be open on Saturday and exceptionally on Sunday, if you are really looking for a very recent book. The sale will also be an opportunity to meet members and find out, if you wish, about its particular operation.

June 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., esplanade of the Quadri building, 47, avenue des Pays-Bas, in Rennes



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