Nakagawa Rieko, the author of the famous children’s book “The Adventures of Guri and Gura”, has died

Children’s author Nakagawa Rieko died in a Tokyo hospital on Monday at the age of 89. She is particularly known for the series of The Adventures of Guri and Guratranslated into several languages ​​including French, and which has sold more than 26 million copies worldwide.

Originally from Hokkaido, she began her career as a children’s writer while working in a nursery school. His first work, entitled Iyaiyaen (1962), which tells the story of a little boy in kindergarten, won him the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Prize, as well as the Sankei Children’s Book Prize.

The Adventures of Guri and Gura features two twin rodents who love to eat and cook. The books were illustrated by his sister Yamawaki Yuriko.

Nakagawa Rieko also participated in the writing of some songs for the soundtrack of My Neighbor Totorolike the opening theme, titled “Promenade” (Sanpo).

The Adventures of Guri and Gura

Iyaiyaen, his first book
Iyaiyaen, his first book

Soroi no tane (1967)
Soroi no tane (1967)

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]



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