In Carnac, Arsenic & Boule de gum works hard for its books

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Carine-M and Elian Black’Mor are the two eccentric souls of Arsenic & Boule de gum. In Carnac, in Morbihan, the stronghold of their publishing house, they run a shop. And explain how they keep their small business going.

Carine-M and Elian Black’Mor, founders of Arsenic & Boule de gum, run a seasonal boutique in Carnac, where they launched their business. | WEST FRANCE

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  • Carine-M and Elian Black’Mor, founders of Arsenic & Boule de gum, run a seasonal boutique in Carnac, where they launched their business. | WEST FRANCE

Something is happening here. An extra bit of soul… In Carnac (Morbihan), in their gallery-bookstore, 100% “eco-friendly”, you can find the whole “creepy” universe of Arsenic & Boule de gum. At the base remains the book for Carine-M and Elian Black’Mor.

The two authors, illustrators, graphic designers, who worked at Glénat, before working their way through their own publishing house, have the wise madness of creators: monsters, ghosts and dragons, their stamps, we find them through tees -shirts, tote bags and other metal cups. “We want everyone to be able to leave with something:…



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