Richard Negem publishes his sixth book

Richard Negem publishes his sixth book
Richard Negem publishes his sixth book

He describes himself as “an observer of our times”. Richard Negem has just released his sixth book, France and the false prophets (Publibook), an essay “half-political, half-philosophical”. The one who was born and raised in Senegal, before coming to settle in La Rabière, in Joué-lès-Tours, in 2020, has been immersing himself in writing for years in order to spread a message of peace and love which is close to his heart.

“I am not from any political partyhe indicates from the outset. I don’t judge, I just observe what’s happening around me. » Equipped with his notebook and a recorder, he wandered around Joué-lès-Tours where he took notes and recorded sounds from outside as well as his voice.

“Throughout my life, I have never felt like a stranger”

In France and the false prophetsRichard Negem looks at the demonstrations and violence which punctuated the French territory during the contestation of the pension reform, at the beginning of 2023.

A period which marked this man who highlights his pacifism. “I wonder why these events happened this way. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that there was no agreement, no real dialogue. However, without this negotiation, there can be no peace between the different parties. »

The violence which punctuated the protests “are proof that human beings are capable of many things, of extreme violence, but also of kindness and gentleness. The objective is to find this very fine border not to be crossed. »

As for the title, the false prophets “represent a little bit of everyoneinsists Richard Negem. In all walks of life, there are people who push others to do evil for their own benefit. »

He rather believes in “a civilization of the universal”which highlights “cultural mixing, which is already underway. It’s more about knowing how to reach out to your neighbor. »

An optimistic nature for the future

“Throughout my life, I have never felt like a strangerexplains the author. When I was in Senegal, even with a different religion and origin, I was never made to feel like I was a foreigner. I miss this situation. »

From now on, Richard Negem continues to write. He is already working on a seventh book, while giving his time at the Marie-Curie nursery school, where he reads stories to the students. All this, always with a touch of optimism, ” it’s in my nature. The ideal of peace is moving away today. But I know that in the end, a beautiful future awaits us.”

“France and the false prophets”, Publibook, 54 pages, €11.



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