Gosselies: a third readers’ meeting

Gosselies: a third readers’ meeting
Gosselies: a third readers’ meeting

Throughout the day, the public was invited to meet many authors for book signings. Theater performances, conferences and a book fair were also organized on this occasion. An event supported for three years by the school’s parents’ association, made up of a dozen volunteers. “The starting point is a book box that we set up so that students could exchange their readings. We wanted to move away from the traditional role of a parents’ association by offering an educational and cultural event. The first edition was built on the basis of an exchange fair and authors joined us”explains Geoffrey Sibille, president of the GPH parents’ association.

Showcase for authors

Within the association, several key players share the tasks. Emmanuelle is particularly attentive to the decoration of the tables in order to invite readers to enter the universe of the authors while Sabrina maintains contacts with the authors who are requesting this type of organization. “Many authors in the region suffer from a lack of visibility and this is an opportunity for them to showcase their work. When we set up this event, there was no other nearby and we are developing bonds of trust with these authors.”adds the president, who hopes to make the event a lasting one.

An exhibition of work by French class students was accessible at the entrance as well as an escape game organized around a book. “We are trying to involve the teachers and hope that after us, other parents will take over”said Geoffrey Sibille. The organization was very much appreciated by the participants.

Youth stories and help for “dys”

Stories for children and collections of information were offered by authors from the region.

Children’s literature was quite well represented through this event where one could also find guides for learning to read. On the stand of the publishing house “Entre 2 pages” for example, the new book by Anne Libotte was presented in order to help parents and teachers format texts intended to be read by people with learning disabilities and dyslexia.

Dyslexia is also the title of this book but also the theme of the conference that the author hosted with Vanessa Dubaniewicz, who also designed the album Mille hiboux for dyslexic children.

A little further on, on the Lilys Editions stand, a children’s novel entitled Bulle d’amour was offered by Maribé, originally from Charleroi. Designed for children from 8 years old, it is a musical novel in which it is possible to access songs that illustrate the story, using QR Codes.

Marine-Bérengère Selvais, known as Maribé, is a teacher, writing workshop facilitator, Félicitée method trainer and psycho-emotional coach. She combines her passion for words and music in a story that stimulates the imagination of the youngest.



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