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“Poetik Bazar” in Brussels: seven (free) events not to be missed this weekend

“Poetik Bazar” in Brussels: seven (free) events not to be missed this weekend
“Poetik Bazar” in Brussels: seven (free) events not to be missed this weekend

The Poetik Bazar is first and foremost a market. There will be 140 exhibitors. French-speaking and Dutch-speaking Belgian publishing houses, from , Quebec, and Switzerland (a little) will be there to present their catalogues.We try to offer a poetry market that is not traditional. There are illustrators who exhibit their creations, others their fanzines. It is less classic than a conventional market. Which is why a lot of young people come”assures Mélanie Godin, before her colleague Marie Monfils, coordinator of the event, follows up.There are also poetry magazines on the market. In magazines, there are often young voices, first publications that we hope to make heard by an audience.”

Performances, workshops, meetings, readings… In parallel, there will also be 90 events over the weekend. We asked Marie Monfils and Mélanie Godin to select seven for us.

1 – A poetic walk

All weekend, Turkey will be in the spotlight, as Marie Monfils explains.We chose to focus on this country. This is our second year at Les Halles. We wanted to open the event’s doors to the neighborhood, and establish partnerships with associations like Eyad, the house of Turkey, for example.” A meeting between three Turkish authors will be organized at the Maison des Arts on Saturday (11:45 a.m.) to talk about Istanbul. Photographer Vincen Beeckman will also offer a poetic stroll along the Chaussée de Haecht to meet shopkeepers and residents.

When? Friday (6-7pm) | Where? Meet in front of Les Halles.

2 – A poetry and illustration workshop for children

Illustrator Camille Nicolle and poet Françoise Lison-Leroy will lead a workshop around their children’s book Spinning top. “It allows parents to come with their children”thinks Mélanie Godin. The workshop will be open without reservation, for five minutes or for three hours.

When? Saturday (1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.) | Where? Grande Halle

3 – A meeting and a writing workshop with Morgane Ortin

Author of the book Lonely loves (adapted into a web series on Arte), Morgane Ortin will be in Brussels for a meeting on Saturday on the subject of writing about the intimate.His project on Instagram was to share words of love exchanged between people who are leaving or who love each other”presents Mélanie Godin. This “archivist of love” will also lead a writing workshop on the art of epistolary writing entitled “In the land of the intimate” at GC De Kriekelaar (Friday – 5 p.m.).

When? Saturday (3:15-4:15 p.m.) | Where? Stage.

4 – A mobile reading and writing workshop with Louise Warren

Quebec poet and essayist Louise Warren crossed the Atlantic to present Vivaces – Mobile reading and writing workshop, his 99-card game designed to boost literary creation.She created this game to show the diversity of forms of poetry. The public is offered a one-on-one with Louise Warren. She will do a ‘card draw’ to discuss poetry,” Marie Monfils explains.

When? Saturday (4:30 p.m.-6 p.m.) | Where: “Alcoves” of the Grande Halle.

5 – A dive into the poetry of “small talk”

Small talk, for those who don’t know, is the art of talking about the weather. Writer and playwright Pieter Delfosse created the game ENFIN/SOIT, an application in Dutch “around small talk and the poetry that can emerge from it”said Marie Monfils. QR codes will be present in Les Halles to play.

When? All weekend | Where? Les Halles.

6 – “Overturning Misfortune” with Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse

The Poetik Bazar is also organizing a meeting with the Franco-Rwandan novelist Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse (Le Convoi). The goal: to discuss her poetic book Overturning misfortune to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the genocide.

When? Saturday (6-7pm) | Where? Stage

Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse recounts the story of her rescue during the Rwandan genocide

7 – A poetic performance SEXPOCALYPSE

The RER Q collective returns with new texts and will offer“a poetic performance to equip oneself with tenderness, to excite oneself and to proliferate until the reversal occurs” according to the program. On stage, there will be Wendy Delorme and Gorge Bataille.

When? Saturday (8:30-10pm) | Where? Stage.

Information and reservations:



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