Major Mouvement, Shayvise… 4 books by influencers to discover for this 2024 back-to-school season

Major Mouvement, Shayvise… 4 books by influencers to discover for this 2024 back-to-school season

Influencers. With the start of the school year, it’s time to get into good habits. What if, instead of spending time on a screen, you read? On social networks like TikTok, the community called “Book Tok” has been booming for several years. Every day, content creators share their goals and their latest readings with their subscribers. In addition, becoming the author of a book that resembles us is an ambition that drives content creators. In recent years, many have been offering this type of project to their communities, as Léna Situations, Squeezie and Fatou Guinéa have already done.

But even though autobiography is the most popular format, some people want to offer something different to their communities: a cookbook, fictional stories or even a best practice guide. Without further ado, discover four recently published books by influencers to start the new school year off right.

Major Mouvement, Shayvise… Influencer books to discover this fall

The content creator has been working on this project for over a year. In an interview, Shayvise told us that she missed teaching. So, she wanted to offer a unique and, above all, useful book to her community. As a teacher, she has the expertise to list all the tips for succeeding in your school year. This is also the title of her first book, “Succeed in my year with Shayvise”. To promote it, she met her subscribers for a book signing in Belgium, and she made appearances on television and radio to explain her ambition. “I have such a hard time realizing it, it feels like I’ve been living a waking dream for two days,” she says in an Instagram post. You can get it right here, for 17 euros. On Amazon, the book is number 1 in sales.

This is the third time that the most famous physiotherapist on social networks has published a book. This time, he offers advice on how to stay young “for as long as possible”. Divided into eight chapters, you will find advice, theory and sports exercises. This project is available in bookstores, but also online here, at a price of 20 euros.

Passionate about food, this influencer shares good addresses and recipes on social networks. On Instagram, she has more than 230,000 subscribers. But, if there is one area in which she is an expert, it is Asian cuisine. So, she offers her subscribers her guide on this type of cuisine, in a book called “Asia Gourmet”. “I wanted to make a book that presents itself as a trip to Asia. It is therefore presented by themes, and by reports to discover the culinary culture of each country”, she describes. 400 restaurant addresses are listed in this guide. The book is available for pre-order on Amazon.

Here is the story of the influencer Empress Wu

The YouTuber offers the first volume of her fiction. Declined into a trilogy, it speaks of a civilization deserted by Man, but also the fauna and flora, because of climatic disasters, and the beginning of a new era in a dystopian world with a new species, the Humanimals. The first book is called “Murphy’s Secret” and it will be available on September 25. For now, Emy LTR is banking on suspense by revealing her project little by little on Instagram, sometimes with a FAQ, sometimes by revealing the front cover of the book.


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