A new site lists 300 Walloon architectural projects for Heritage Days
DayFR Euro

A new site lists 300 Walloon architectural projects for Heritage Days

This site allows you to consult 300 architectural projects from the 20th century in Wallonia, identified as “regionally representative milestones of architectural modernity, from Art Nouveau to postmodernism“.


The selection is based, on the one hand, on the census carried out by French-speaking Belgian universities for the collection of Guides to Modern and Contemporary Architecture published by the Architecture Unit and which covers, across seven volumes, the entire Walloon territory; and on the other hand, on the field work carried out by the agents of the Walloon Heritage Agency in charge of the regional inventory and with the support of the Royal Commission of Monuments and Sites.

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The site is a real illustrated database that allows you to search by location, typology, project author and keyword.highlights the Architecture Unit in a press release. It also allows you to explore the region from a map, pointing out and geolocating projects located in Wallonia.

Mediation and research tool, the guides.archi website “is also aimed at researchers and local communities due to its comprehensiveness.“It will be gradually enriched with notices from the various published guides (texts, technical information, visuals, bibliography), biographies of project authors (architects, engineers, etc.) and built projects published since 2010 in the Architectures Wallonie-Bruxelles Inventaires Inventories collection.

News will also relay information from the sector (exhibitions, publications, new architectural funds preserved or inventoried, etc.).

What are you going to do at the Walloon Heritage Days this weekend?

Visits not to be missed

It should be noted that as part of the Heritage Days, around ten architectural landmarks from the site are highlighted through a varied programme of visits. These include the UCLouvain L Museum (former Science Library) in Louvain-la-Neuve, designed by André Jacqmain in 1973; the Royal Museum of Mariemont in Morlanwelz, designed by Roger Bastin and Charles Gauquié in 1962; the Museum of Fine Arts in Tournai, designed by Victor Horta in 1928; or the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Charleroi, designed by Joseph André in 1957. Other types of buildings will be highlighted, such as the former baths and thermal baths of La Sauvenière in Liège (now Cité Miroir), designed by Georges Dedoyard in 1942, or the Cité de l’enfance in Marcinelle, and in particular the old pavilions where we find the influence of Marcel Leborgne, Raymond Van Hove and Victor Bourgeois from 1938. Not forgetting private houses such as the Maison Losseau in Mons, by Paul Saintenoy and Louis Sauvage (1905) and the Maison Dorée in Charleroi, by Alfred Frère (1899).


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