Today, many new teachers are also starting their first day at school, including the so-called lateral entrants. Yves Indeherberge worked for years at the Agency for Growing Up, but will soon be standing in front of the class for the first time at the GO! Spectrumcollege in Deurne.
“I’m really looking forward to getting started,” Yves tells De Ochtend on Radio 1. “My previous job had an impact, but I didn’t see much of it directly. I wanted to change that, and that’s why I chose a new adventure.”
Although it wasn’t easy to take the plunge. “It took me 2 years to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, because you don’t know in advance what you’re getting into. It’s a search for what subject you want to teach exactly. But I discovered that that’s actually secondary to the connection you want to make with students.”
“I have consciously looked for a place where I can work with young people from vulnerable groups. I will be teaching psychology and education, spread over several years and in different directions. So I still have a lot of work ahead of me.”