Laurent Mathieu, crazy about information but also music


Born in 1986 in Charleroi, it was in Namur that Laurent Mathieu obtained his master’s degree in economic sciences, before joining the Catholic University of Louvain and graduating in journalism. He first exercised his talents in the regional press – in The Meusein particular – before joining the Canal C channel.

At RTBF, it’s the show Everyday life who first opened his doors to him. His columns were noticed and here he was joining the team of journalists who provided subjects to We are not pigeons et Featured Questions.

Anne Goderniaux’s departure for radio will accelerate his transition to the news and, in October 2016, at just thirty years old, he presents for the first time the news of La Une, the great mass of the news of the boulevard Reyers. Laurent Mathieu – alternating with Julie Morelle then with Maryam Allard – becomes the face of the weekend news.

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Passionate about news but also music, Laurent Mathieu handles the guitar as well as the pen and, during a few EPs and memorable concerts, he is the guitarist of 4menStanding, a group that split up in 2017. The journalist is back, however, during a fundraising evening for the benefit of the Union des artistes. Alongside François De Brigode who reads passages from to fish by Albert Camus, Laurent Mathieu strums his six strings and gives voice.

Today, after the surprise announcement by the “historic” presenter of the news on the front page, Laurent Mathieu, who says he is ““very happy” to be able to take up this new challenge, will also succeed his friend in Thursday Primealongside Nathalie Malleux and Thomas Gadisseux. We should also see him again on Tipik for reports in 2030 with Laurent Mathieu.


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