“In his place, I would go for the last penny”, Riolo understands Mbappé’s refusal to mediate in his dispute with PSG
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“In his place, I would go for the last penny”, Riolo understands Mbappé’s refusal to mediate in his dispute with PSG

The first act of the dispute between PSG and Kylian Mbappé over the astronomical amount of salaries and bonuses not paid by the club to the player was held on Wednesday before the LFP legal committee. And the meeting between the two camps did not really move things forward. At the end of it, the committee proposed mediation, immediately refused by Mbappé who is demanding more than 55 million euros from his former club. An approach perfectly understood by Daniel Riolo, columnist for After Foot on RMC.

“You have the right to think that he is an arrogant guy but don’t mix everything up”

“The story of the given word (argument put forward by PSG to justify Mbappé’s renunciation of certain bonuses, Editor’s note), that’s not worth nothing,” he says. “Morality counts, but we can’t say: ‘you gave your word’ during the very complicated summer last year when we put him in the loft before taking him out when we had to score goals’. At that moment, there is this famous word given. What happens the following year and even two or three weeks later, let’s simply put ourselves in the shoes of the men who gave their word. If I give you my word and I realize that you betrayed me and the following month, I realize that you put guys to watch me, that I realize after six months that you were a real piece of shit, I will say to myself: ‘thank goodness I didn’t sign a paper’. And I say to myself: ‘I gave my word to this guy when I realize that we are at war. I like the principle of the given word but there is a film that takes place with only betrayals between two clans who can no longer see each other, who are at war before the given word with other promises made by the PSG.”

“That’s where you say: ‘if you are competent people, a big club, sign papers’,” he continues. “There is a right, a salary that should have been due. Mbappé is totally within his rights and I think that, before a normal court, he will win his case. Before the League, it will be different since Nasser holds everything to the League.”

For Daniel Riolo, the Mbappé camp has no intention of negotiating with his former employer. “I’m not sure Mbappé wants a deal, I think he wants to bleed him dry. There’s hatred between them,” he notes. He concludes with another point that could disadvantage the new Real Madrid player in this story: public opinion at the moment.

“The context in France is extremely unfavourable to Mbappé,” believes Daniel Riolo. “His image is so degraded that people only want to see Mbappé’s greed, they don’t want to hear. They mix Mbappé’s performances, everything we can think of him by saying that he is arrogant, that he is bad at the moment. But they don’t want to hear what really happened. Open your eyes to what the management of this club is. That doesn’t mean ‘defending Mbappé’. You have the right to think that he is an arrogant guy, who only thinks about money but don’t mix everything up, there are bad people opposite and who have worked badly for the club for years. They just spent a monstrous amount of money for it to end like this with most of the players leaving this club. They are wrong and very wrong and owe money to a player. If I were in Mbappé’s place, I would go for the last cent. What they did as harassment moral – especially with the digital army – it’s disgusting.”

- RMC Sport


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