IMpossible to miss it. The creation of an artistic fresco in bright colors, started Wednesday by four young people from Soyaux as part of educational sites, spreads throughout the La Poste wall of the Champ-de-Manée, located at the crossroads of the Vincent-Auriol boulevards and Léon-Blum, at the corner of Place Jean-Jacques-Rousseau. A project supervised by the educator Manu Merigard de l'ADSEA (Departmental Association for the Protection of the Child and the Adult), which accompanies the young Sojaldicians aged 13 to 21, and carried out in partnership with the town hall of Soyaux.
The writing advises you
“It is a social act that motivated us to be part of the project. »»
Under the experienced eye of the Cognaçais mural artist Mathieu Perronno, alias Perro, also a member of the EXPERVETTE collective. The fresco ended on Sunday will be inaugurated this Monday, January 27 at 5 p.m. Monday. “We thought with the young people and opted to draw a fisherman's, migratory bird from North Africa, he crosses France by borrowing the Charente valley before reaching Sweden. It is an animal without border “, image the artist who wishes to show” the multiculturalism of the neighborhood “:” Many symbols around travel, youth, nature, football … will be represented like a patchwork. We write a story, ”describes Perro. Upstream, young people were able to visit the “Wonderwall” urban course, wonderful walls in Cognac, in order to soak up street art.
-“Give another image of the neighborhood”
The place was not chosen at random. This dark gray wall, faded, abused during the 2017 urban riots, had turned into a unpleasantly known deal of the inhabitants of the Champ-de-Manée. The ticket distributor had been fractured several times (it no longer exists today), the wall degraded several times, often repainted, but above all, it had become a place of avoidance for most people living around.
Today, he comes back to life and colors thanks to this symbolic initiative, a blank page is written again with young people in this same district. Embellish this space gives a certain dimension and meaning to action. Equipped with colored bombs, Hamza Dahmani, 13, draws the outlines of the bird and is happy to participate in “giving a good image of the place that was not well seen by everyone” he evokes .
Like El Madjid (who does not wish to see his last name appear), he feels “proud to paint this wall, it is for a beautiful cause. I learn to draw, the result takes shape, it's beautiful and it will stay. When I pass with my children, I would tell them: '' I was there, it was I who painted ''. Smiles the teenager. Abdel, 21, is thrilled by “the desire to make people in the neighborhood happy when they see this fresco. It is a social act that motivated us to be part of the project, ”he believes. The colors of the sky, where the features of a bird appear, offer a little poetry and escape to this wall loaded with a heavy passive which gradually fades.
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