A Loire site in the running to be the French people’s favourite monument
DayFR Euro

A Loire site in the running to be the French people’s favourite monument

Saint-Pierre Church of the Le Corbusier Firminy-Vert site. (© Arnaud Frich)

As part of the famous show presented by Stéphane Bern, the Le Corbusier site in Firminy was selected along with 13 other finalists.

The show Le Monument favoris des Français is making its big comeback for its 2024 edition. As the 41st European Heritage Days approach, France TV highlights a selection of unique monuments chosen by viewers. The grand finale that will decide between them will be broadcast on Wednesday, September 18 at 9:05 p.m. on France 3.

Le Corbusier Firminy-Vert, a unique site

This special edition will be an opportunity to “to introduce the French to the richness and diversity of their architectural, historical and cultural heritage“. Among the 14 finalists, we find in particular the Le Corbusier Firminy-Vert site, in the Loire. Located near Saint-Etienne, it is the largest urban complex designed by the famous architect. A true witness to Le Corbusier’s utopia. It is composed of a cultural center, a housing unit, a church, a stadium and a swimming pool. When he died in 1965, the work was unfinished. Several architects would then succeed one another until 2006 to complete this vast project.

The rest of the finalists include, for example, the Trévarez estate in Finistère and the Saint-Cosme priory in Indre-et-Loire. But also the Douai belfry (Nord), the Fontainebleau castle (Seine-et-Marne). The Eu castle (Seine-Maritime) and the Louvois fort (Charente-Maritime).

Read also: Lyon Metropolis: European Heritage Days program unveiled


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