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Under a European arrest warrant, Malian singer Rokia Traoré arrested in Italy

Music Day, Friday June 21, was not one for everyone, especially in Italy. We learn, in fact, that the Malian singer Rokia Traoré has been arrested.

Initially scheduled for a concert entitled “Venus in Music”, inside the archaeological park of the Colosseum, Rokia Traoré will not even have passed through the doors of the Roman temple since she was arrested upon her arrival in Italy. During her check at the border, the Italian carabinieri quickly detected that the Malian singer was the subject of a European arrest warrant.

The case dates back to 2019

The affair dates back to 2019 and pits the singer against her ex-companion, the Belgian Jan Goosens, man of the theater and former director of the Marseille festival. At the center of their conflict is the custody of their daughter, a minor, who resides with her mother in Mali and which has caused Rokia Traoré to be prosecuted by Belgian justice, under the charge of “kidnapping, sequestration and taking of hostage.”

Justice accuses him of not having respected a judgment granting sole custody of his daughter to her Belgian father, a decision appealed by Rokia Traoré who, since her legal troubles, had considerably reduced her travels to Europe, playing mainly in Africa .

Read alsoMalian artist Rokia Traoré imprisoned in France

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