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The architect who designed the Ministry of the Economy died at 95

Famous in particular for the Bercy building or the large gallery of the National Museum of Natural History, Paul Chemetov, who received the gold medal from the Academy of Architecture in 2023, died this Monday.

He was a figure in the building industry in France and even received the gold medal from the Academy of Architecture last year to crown a long career rich in achievements.

Paul Chemetov died on Monday at the age of 95, revealed The world. A world-renowned architect, he is the originator of more than 200 building projects, particularly public ones, such as the Ministry of the Economy in the Bercy district in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. The graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in 1959 also renovated the large gallery of the National Museum of Natural History and the French Embassy in India.

This champion of concrete has also participated in numerous urban renovations as well as housing projects in Ivry-sur-Seine, Poitiers and Tours.

Born in Paris in 1928, the man who was made Commander of the Legion of Honor in 2016 defended his vision of architecture until the end. Last year, he confided to the By Béton site his attraction to concrete, the material that has made him famous.

“I believe that concrete – some think that it is finished, that it can only be replaced by other materials – will now begin its “non-archaic” life, he considered. The concrete that we have known, the concretes we have known until now were archaic. We are at the beginning of the history of concrete.

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